How I motivate myself to keep going during times of prolonged physical (and mental) struggle⁣

Rolwaling Valley, Nepal, Nov 2019.

Rolwaling Valley, Nepal, Nov 2019.

Going for an adventure, running for hours at a time, or climbing in high altitude — it’s not always a dreamy walk in the park. Actually, a lot of the time it’s really tough. The legs are screaming and the mind is telling you to quit. In the past years I’ve figured out a strategy that works for me, which (almost) always gets me through those moments of struggle.⁣

It’s all about dividing the process into smaller parts. For example, if I’ve got 40K left to run, I might divide it into eight 5K intervals. That way, I’ve “only” got eight 5K laps left instead of an entire marathon. “8 more to go, 7 more to go…. Just 1 more to go!”⁣

Another similar strategy, which I used in Nepal as I was trekking up to a 5000 m pass dead exhausted, was to divide the remaining distance into 100 steps. I would walk 100 steps, and then rest for a couple of seconds. Then I’d walk another 100. And another, until I reached the top of the pass.⁣

I find that when I use this type of strategy, my mind is tricked into thinking I’ve got less left than I actually do. Dividing the process into smaller, more tangible parts is way easier for my mind to process. It works every time. And the reward afterwards — Boy does it feel good!!!⁣

What are some of your favorite tools on how to get through moments of physical struggle?