Foot injury (again) and MRI results

In collaboration with

The results from my MRI have arrived and I’m very relieved to say that, other than a minor fracture which should heal by itself with time, some ligaments have been damaged but nothing torn 🙏🏽

So I guess now it’s back to rehab, regular visits with my physio and just trying to get as strong as possible I can again. And keeping this injury in check so it doesn’t get worse 😬

Thanks to I was able to get an appointment for my MRI in Stockholm really (!!) fast last week. My timeline looked pretty much like this:

▪️Wednesday - booked MRI screening
▪️Thursday - had MRI screening
▪️A few days later - the results with a doctor’s statement arrived

I am very grateful for the fast service and help that the staff at have given me these last days. Largely thanks to them, I was quickly able to find out what had happened to my ankle and now I can begin my rehab plan accordingly. And with a dose of patience and humbleness — be back in the mountains soon again. I can’t recommend enough if you’re in need of an urgent MRI.

And to all friends out there, thank you for all your messages and words of encouragement, you are wonderful 🖤 The show must go on… ⚡️