Yesterday I thought it’d be a fun idea to bring you along on a day in my life. One photo every hour, how hard can it be? Turns out it didn’t work out quite as I had planned – half of the time I turned the alarm off (work flow, on the toilet, etc…) and forgot to take a photo. So bear with me, it’s not exactly every hour. But I thought that could also be a good metaphor for life, that life rarely goes as planned.
Read MoreI came home from Nepal at the end of October filled with an emotional cocktail of exhaustion, confusion and relief. I spent the first few weeks at home in Sweden together with my family, my immediate HACE symptoms quickly went away and I was even able to start training a little bit: some trail running, strength training and indoor climbing.
Read MoreBefore performance even comes in question, being in good health is my first priority. Once a year I do a health test at @mediserahealth to keep my blood values in check. After a few years of issues with iron, this time my results looked really good! That’s a great start to my preparations for the expedition in Nepal this October.
Read MoreI had planned to write a resume of 2022 in my diary. But we live in a digital world, and I am just as addicted to all things digital as everyone else. So, here we go: a public digital resume of my two-thousand-twenty-two.
Read MoreDet här med att bibehålla balansen som ultralöpare — det är inte alltid helt lätt. Man ska äta bra, sova bra, träna hållbart, få tillräckligt med återhämtning mellan varven och gärna yoga och styrketräna för att kroppen (och psyket) ska orka springa långt.
Read MoreI live to live,
To feel the wind in my hair
Rosy cheeks from frozen air
A heart that’s beating faster
Reminding me that I live.
Staying healthy and happy is one of my top priorities. And as someone who loves to move, I want to be able to run far, climb high and be out for very many hours at a time. I want to give my body what it needs so that it can stay strong, balanced and support me wherever I choose to go. But sometimes it can be difficult to know if I’m doing the right thing.
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